Thinking Architecture & Design

The Human Element

There is a preconception that believes designs are self generated in the age of digital technology. Most people think that the computer is able to develop design without the input of humans. And because of this, the human touch and the value of design is often undermined.

We spend a great deal of time in thinking and developing a design. Behind the scenes, we produce sketches and study models because it is the most direct and intuitive method in design. We strongly believe in the notion that the work that emerges from the hands and guided by the mind results in a more emotionally resonant design. The digital process is involved only after the human element of the design has been satisfied. The sketches are transferred to the computers as means to record and document the design in the succeeding stages.

We are very hands on in all the projects we undertake. Communication is key, so we spend time listening to the owners and discussing with the team all the time to smoothen the work flow. We visit the site often to ensure that the construction is keeping up with the schedule. We also routinely make checks to see that the workmanship meets a high standard.

We place a deep focus on the human scale, through which the architecture is made relatable to the occupants who use them. The appropriateness and properties of a material, colours and textures are studied before specification. The study of proportion also plays a big part of our work, as we strive to imbue our work with a distinct human element.